Pre-order notification

The price of the book in ebook editions will be held at Kickstarter levels until April 16th;
the paperback and hardcover will be held at Kickstarter levels until April 24th.

You can pre-order the Kindle version NOW and have it auto-delivered as soon as it is published.
Head to your local Amazon page and search for “The Author’s Guide to Traditional Publishing.”

If you would like to be informed when the book is available, please complete your details, below.

(Note: we will use your email only to send you a notification of when the book becomes available in your preferred format, and will delete your details immediately after.)

The Kindle edition will be published on April 11 2024, other ebook editions will be available shortly after, and we’re waiting to see proofs of the physical editions, which we expect to be available from April 18th.